Dear Pastors and Leaders,
As an Evangelist, I believe my calling is to help the local church enter into REVIVAL. A revival that includes reviving passion, releasing faith and reaping a harvest of new souls.
The marching orders to the church in this hour is ”Go forth and MULITIPLY” The primary focus of the end-time church must be carrying this gospel to every nation, kindred and tongue. We must be fully engaged in preaching ht gospel to everyone, everywhere all the time. While none of us are capable of fulfilling that “Great Commission” alone, we are well able to accomplish the vision as a unified body of believers. .
The following presentation is not a program or an event theme, but it is a sequential process of concepts and ideas that will initiate a perpetual cycle of monumental world changing revival!
A Spiritual House
According to 1 Peter 2:5, We “as lively stones, are to be built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
The DNA of REVIVAL, given to me by the Lord, outlines a plan to build that Spiritual House. It consists of seven synchronized PHASES based upon biblical PRINCIPLES designed to accomplish strategic PROCESSES of Revival.
It is my heart’s desire that you and your congregation enter into a perpetual Revival that will wax increasingly glorious until that notable day of our soon coming LORD and Savior.